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Basic Motor Competencies in Kindergarten: MOBAK Assessment Test

Increasingly, the question arises about learning outcomes of physical education. Early in the school year is a great time to run a test if you have or want to see where your students stand.
MOBAK is a curriculum-based motor skill development assessment test.

It is by far the most practical and relevant assessment test in our opinion and with 8 challenges very easy to implement.

Most important, it looks at which basic motor competencies enable children to play an active part in the culture of sports and exercise.
Meaning that Dr. Herrmann and his team were looking at what skills are needed to participate in the most common sports like soccer, gymnastics, athletics and many more
rather than a succession of random physical tests.
The 8 challenges were then designed according to these skills needed to facilitate participating in these sports, rather than some physical tests that are of little relevance in performing common sports.

Playlist of the 8 MOBAK motor competencies tests

Basic motor competencies in kindergarten FOR FREE


 Exercise 1: Throwing

Exercise 2: Catching

Exercise 3: Bouncing

Exercise 4: Dribbling

Exercise 5: Balancing

Exercise 6: Rolling

Exercise 7: Jumping

Exercise 8: Running

Initial Situation

In the course of systematic quality assurance, increasingly the question to which extent learning outcomes are achieved by children in sports and physical education arises. The central learning objectives of physical education in kindergarten and primary school are the curriculum-based basic motor competencies that enable children to play an active part in the culture of sports and exercise.

Test setup and content

MOBAK-KG is designed for 4- to 6-year-old children. Thus, questions about the status and development of basic motor competencies in early childhood can be dealt with.

The basic motor competencies of self-movement are covered with four tasks (balancing, rolling, jumping, running) and object movement with four tasks (throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling). The difficulty and complexity of the requirements set in the MOBAK items are adapted to the children’s age.

Targeted diagnostics are an indispensable prerequisite for the systematic promotion of basic motor competencies. By describing the children’s level of motor competencies, information is gained that helps teachers to adapt their methodical and didactic behavior to the children’s requirements. MOBAK is a valid and the most practicable survey tool to assess and measure basic motor competencies.

For more info:

Basic motor competencies in kindergarten FOR FREE

The P.E. curriculums of the Motor Skill Learning Academy Switzerland for 3-7-year-olds provide step-by-step games and challenges for optimal learning and fun.
With the goal for all children to build the fundamentals to be able to comfortably participate in any sport they desire.

Thanks to our partner,  Prof. Dr. Phil. Habil. Christian Herrmann, Chair of Didactics Exercise and Sport, Zurich University of Teacher Education (Expert Group Physical Education), co-producers of the MOBAK tests, to make these videos available.
And the University PH Zürich for the production of these videos.

An overview of MOBAK, their network partners, and MOBAK partner projects can be found at:

PE Curriculum Guidelines
TO BUY: The Mobak Test Case (comes with german manuals)


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